Our optimized process reduces our carbon footprint
We aim for a 50% CO2 reduction per production hour by 2025.
At DAFA, we strive towards reducing our environmental impact by continually improving our processes and products. One of our initiatives has been to rethink our packaging boxes and optimize the way we stack goods during transportation. Therefore, when it is possible, we compress the goods more efficiently on pallets, which optimizes the space during transportation.
Our new method of stacking means that more products can be shipped at once, which reduces the number of departures. For example, the transportation optimization of our vapor barrier tape alone annually saves 5200 kg of CO2 emissions.
According to Statistics Denmark, this instance is the equivalent of an average petrol-engine car from 2020 driving approximately five times around the globe. Before, we placed 720 rolls of vapor barrier tape on one pallet, whereas today, we only place 620 rolls on the same pallet, making it possible to stack two pallets. This means that we can ship almost double the amount of vapor barrier tape compared to before.
As DAFA is located in 8 countries worldwide and has production facilities in Denmark, Italy, Poland, and China, we are always close to our customers, partners, and suppliers. This means that emissions caused by transportation are further limited.
Therefore, with our optimized way of stacking goods and our international presence, we are able to deliver efficiently and with lower environmental impact.
In the case below, you can read more about DAFA’s global supply chain and how this also contributes to reducing our carbon footprint.
Optimized vapor barrier tape shipment saves 5200 kg of CO2 emissions annually
New way of stacking goods reduces emissions during transportation
We aim for a 50% CO2 reduction per production hour by 2025
"I am thrilled to take part in the process of minimizing DAFA's carbon footprint in terms of transporting our solutions to our customers.
This has given me more knowledge within the field and how we can optimize to the benefit of DAFA, our customers, and the environment."
– Gøkhan Alici, Warehouse Operative
We have refined our packaging boxes so that they are more stable and can be stacked without problems.
Our new method of stacking means that more products can be shipped at once.
Optimized stacking methods and our international presence, makes us able to deliver with a lower environmental impact.